
world'soul war / there is no center but you













.. once more unto the breach ..













"Victory is celebrated in the light, but it is won in the darkness" 

- from Dune: Prophecy












Everything changes on New Year's Day.... Just like every other day, and so on down towards whatever non-existent smallest unit of time. It's all a matter of scale, see - the geometries are ever shifting, at least slightly. 
















All presentments to the senses, and thus to consciousness, are facts or the assumptions of facts. The inability to determine the truth of the past means that is labile in its presentment and how it can be made to act. 


















However, there remains also the firm belief that there is some ultimate factual matter standing at the root of whatever current present happens to be manifest. 
















Yet, remaining human, there is no way for a non-present observer to come to terms with the fact of what must always remain in an uncertain state, unless there is further evidence that follows accepted laws. Yet again, evidences can be deceiving when they are the productions of fellow human beings; fraud and its ilk. 

















Use the budget to budge it, 








make ‘em move how you want, you know? 









Dangle some cash in front of their noses

















Somewhere it seems, we are forced to abdicate our direct knowing for at least second hand information which must be culturally filtered, merely because there are two separate individuals involved.





























Then there are times when the kaleidoscopic view in front of us hangs in the balance, and at a sudden all the pieces tumble and shift in a catastrophic collapse to a new ground, or base state. 
















That thing in front of you that kinda just sits there as you flex your tubes around. If you don't shift your gaze, your gaits, your posing and restraint, then nothing would change. 





















If it were possible for you yourself to not change, that implies that the world would be unchanging or static .. it just depends on whether or not the frames would sync up if you decided to start the world again. 
















I don't know anyone who can (at least) often do that, - but it is certainly possible for any one of us to turn our eyes: the view, after all, is never the same.


























"Five percent of people are saints; five percent are evil. In their soul, stone evil. The other 90, they're just sheep.. they will follow whoever has the upper hand .."

- from Special Ops: Lioness

.. in the battle between light & dark, there can be no permanent 'winner' .. at any given point, one has the upper hand, while the other appears to have 'lost', when in fact it has receded only to return reinvigorated to, eventually, prevail in turn ..

.. the cycle of the seasons, day & night are merely the most obvious & immediate examples of polarity in our experience, but one should be cautious if they want to transpose such principles to the inner, esoteric world ..

.. one should especially be careful to avoid the con clusion that, if everything levels out to zero when all is said and done, then 'nothing really matters' .. ignorance & evil are very real to their victims, & simply to say "well, it's all the same in the end" does perhaps less than nothing to alleviate their suffering ..

.. knowing this, the magician must weigh their actions carefully to determine if they con tribute to the good or if they result in evil .. this is, after all, how we experience freedom in our lived experience ..













.. & certainly, we all wish to be free, but we must always ask the question, 'free to do what ..?' .. surely freedom, more than the absence of restraint, is on a much more profound level to truly know what we want, so the wishes & desires of others are not determining our own behavior ..

.. the ideal is that, if we truly are doing what we really want, we can reduce evil, ignorance to a minimum, which is but the result of error or con fusion .. & the challenge set before us is to reach that point of the gnosis of our own true will ..

.. don't be led by those who have been misled ..







.. cuz if they win, u lose ..

"-In the city, always a reflection; in the woods, always a sound ..

-What about the desert?

-You don't want to go in the desert .."

- from Spartan

.. happens to the best of us .. 








.. the peaks are the most treacherous ..









.. so don't lose he/art ..









.. & get back up  ..










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