
in con(si)stænt













"No world can be perfect, but we have to choose to make our life as great as it can be"

- from Dark Matter

.. to the dead ..










.. on whose very bones we tread ..











.. as we seek our success ..

Wheels, etc.











Gear up,











Gear in,










Gear out -











shift DOWN | UP













There's shit everywhere, man, I mean:
























Now get out of that mud now junior,












Time for dinner - go grab some carrots












[grown from out that mud and soon to return.., if you catch my drift]













Hare now, Hare now!













Let me see those sandwiches you've












Got there.



























Now when exactly are those witches from?











When'd they pass through the eye of the hourglass?












How long did they fall and when did they land?












Who are their neighbors? How will they be sifted












When some great hand turns the tables on time, and old is again new and new again old?













And what of the ora of cada hora? Are those hours or ours? 














Or, are those hours ours, and if not, whose?













Is the measure of a minute more properly assigned to a thing in itself, rather than a remote reference frame, like we have now? How does assigning a number to an event or recurrence of an event frame that number in the larger model of the world. 













It should be easier to tie time units together when they are pulled from the same domain, the patterns themselves should be more apparent, showing like simple ratios as our earlier sciences noted. Ratios of gears, - there are two ways to spin a disk on a spinning ball [suggesting opposed gear works, or conflict].














Then what about that old friend, year 0? Bit odd that, like let's start counting years and see what number we can get to before everything crashes (as usual) and we have to pick up the pieces again, but without a calendar. 














Eh, maybe not quite that, but does seem like some Civilization PC type game score counter. We each have our own year zeros, maybe we should say things like 54 in the Year of Bob Dole. I'll count from my cup of coffee, thank you.

When in doubt: turn left. We do not warrant the unlimited applicability of this statement, but have found in many circumstances, perhaps peculiar to the northern hemisphere, it to be of great use for the solar man, and perhaps woman - be wise to recall the old turn of phrase of /getting wound up/

.. here's a bold assertion: there's nothing really singular or unique about our time; this time in history ..














.. certainly, many will object, referring to expanding rights & freedoms, or increasing economic prosperity, or the rapidly deteriorating environment .. to which we would respond with the following question: how is this any different from any other time in history ..? 















.. the answer, of course, is that it doesn't, save in degree, which is another way to say its rate (of change) .. it's impossible to argue that our time in history hasn't seen an increase in novelty, chaos & entropy over any past time in at least human record ..


.. in fact, the chief, & perhaps the only, distinguishing feature of this time is that it's in con stant in its in con sistency .. put another way, factors such as the aforementioned freedoms, prosperity & environmental degradation are certainly changing, but not at the same rate everywhere .. moreover, the rates of change keep changing at changing rates, hence in con(si)stænt ..

.. in spite of the more or less sincere efforts of so-called "con servatives" to return to some idyllic bygone era, such daze are just that .. even if we can agree about when exactly it is best to "return" to, as if it's an address on a map, there is no known way to ensure this is somehow secured against the in con stant in con sistency of the flow of time, the very definition of which is change ..


.. the question is, rather, where do we put our energy (in all it forms, including money, which as we've previously argued here, is but a "latent" form of energy, or a way to readily store & exchange the latter) towards the most benefit ..? 















.. coLLectives of people Working together towards a common goal preceded the gilded neoliberal dream, & they wiLL survive it .. surely it is the creation & sustenance of such groups of people that we ought to seek, & will be of the most benefit in this time which is ever changing in novel ways, & at varying rates ..

"You know the difference between a hustler & a good con man? Hustler has to get out of town as quick as he can, but a good con man, he doesn't have to leave till he wants to .. " 

- from Diggstown

.. & to the human spirit ..


.. but for which ..








 .. none of us would exist ..

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