".. he was with my mom in the Amazon when she was researching spiders right before she died .."
[(mellow)dramatic pause]
"One has to be so alone that one needs to create a world in order to have someone to talk to, in order to maintain the will to live"
- Jason Reza Jorjani, Prometheus and Atlas
".. a monster is not such a terrible thing to be. From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the Old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: centaur, griffin, satyr. To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once"
- Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
.. better a monster then a middle manager;
or wouldn't you agree ..
"Nothing less is demanded of us than the perseverance of an Atlas, the daring of a Prometheus. Mankind is about to be gifted with a new world – but only if we can bear it, only if we can steal it"
- Jason Reza Jorjani, Prometheus and Atlas
.. it's easy to drift, to get carried along in oblivion; it is, but wouldn't it be of more intense interest to intentionally become monstrous?
.. Friedrich Nietzsche is known for having said "beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you" ..
.. but this is neither here nor there for us today, we who have been gazing into the abyss of permacrisis for so long, we hardly remember what we were doing before that ..
.. & if the purpose of art is to communicate something essential, & not merely to decorate, then surely one ought to strive toward becoming monstrous, rather than simply waiting for this to happen somewhat accidentally or incidentally in any case ..
.. but there are other possibilities here that we might benefit from con sidering .. what of those poor innocents who, inadvertently & without any intention of doing so whatever, nonetheless encounter monstrous phenomena by mere "coincidence"..? .. surely we should spare a thought for them ..
.. certainly, there is little honor in making children cry, but here we ought to employ judgment & discernment; for it is just as regrettable to offer shelter when one was well placed to offer instead a warning of an imminent threat that yet could have been avoided, if only one had been aware of it in time ..
Ænergetic factors ex(hiss)t in the environment, dig it? Someone did, pulled up a bunch of heaps of rock - buncha kids joined in to build towers and shit, you g|know? Pull the whole thing up by it's b(r)oo[t|d]straps. ->> how can we disentangle the thing with a set of symbols, smaller than the thing? Space -> No Space -> Space, etc. ...
We have a notion of "cleanliness", thinking in terms of our living spaces =- An associated notion of "tidy". I must have never noticed these things. Spaces are considered clean when they are in order, put away: no longer visible as the distinct implements and decorations of living, but hidden away in a cabinet, aligned on a bookshelf arranged by author, or subject, or color.
Neat arrays, flat planes and space dominated by right angles and the uniformity of Euclidean space. Clean looks like no-one lives in a house or apartment. The tools are there, but where did they go? Were they used? Nothing is misplaced, but arranged according to some logic behind trying to hide the chaos - put up a front that life isn't messy.
Putting, and keeping, up appearances of emptiness and the imaginary freedom of movement it (temporarily) permits.
This is starting to ramble,
...cleanliness in emptiness
This has been said how many times before, and why does it keep recurrently bubble back up into consciousness? A crystalline (psychological) complex that does not dissolve?
With this grid, a change in one of the three directions that give birth to the cubic array of 6-sided forms causes no change in either of the others. Variation occurs at angles or deviations from the grid based on the primary directions of left \ right, forward \ back, up \ down. Salt or sand (TO DO: IMAGE REFERENCE) - The Euclidean reference frame has various restrictions within it. It is the centering case of stable reality between the two sheets. But the stability and uniformity is, of course, a lie.
Assigning each cell a binary state we have a digital matrix (TO DO: find reference of this to salt.)... etc.
Between the cells of the cubic grid, which is variously pixelated by measurement at some scale.
subconscious geometric framework of a Euclidian
A relative lack of (noticed) variables -
DONE <- DO: []
.. some of our potential readers might perhaps be put off by some of our neolojisms, unusual turns of phrase or syntax .. nor would we begrudge them this; but is it not possible that these characteristics of form & con tent are used in con text to con vey a deeper message ..?
.. perhaps we seek to define ourselves as against a commodified-to-death "market" of essentially interchangeable items on a list of con tent, & to say that maybe some things, AI will never be able to replicate..?
.. symptomatic of that 'machinic' attitude is this word, 'con tent', a word that surely has earned a well-deserved con tempt .. con tent is a sweet con fection that is easily digested; in a pinch, one con tent is as good as another con tent & can be substituted for it .. con tent is unobtrusive & by definition doesn't aim at catalysing any especially deep thought ..
.. we are against con tent as such, & the very idea that art, beauty, craftsmanship ought to be reducible to 'con tent' ..
.. so yes, we are idio(T)syncratic, we have our own way of saying things that are not always those you find in manuals of style, but this is a way to say we won't con form, & if everyone did likewise, maybe no one would be under pressure to follow a 'norm' ..
.. or would that then be come yet another norm..?
.. well, if one is to have aspirations, then they should at least aim high while they're at it ..
.. a message heard on the whisper of the wind,
on so much weed I couldn't see (except in rhythm),
"the space fam is here & all is well with the world,
or at least it will be .."
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