
world'soul war / there is no center but you













.. once more unto the breach ..













"Victory is celebrated in the light, but it is won in the darkness" 

- from Dune: Prophecy












Everything changes on New Year's Day.... Just like every other day, and so on down towards whatever non-existent smallest unit of time. It's all a matter of scale, see - the geometries are ever shifting, at least slightly. 
















All presentments to the senses, and thus to consciousness, are facts or the assumptions of facts. The inability to determine the truth of the past means that is labile in its presentment and how it can be made to act. 


















However, there remains also the firm belief that there is some ultimate factual matter standing at the root of whatever current present happens to be manifest. 
















Yet, remaining human, there is no way for a non-present observer to come to terms with the fact of what must always remain in an uncertain state, unless there is further evidence that follows accepted laws. Yet again, evidences can be deceiving when they are the productions of fellow human beings; fraud and its ilk. 

















Use the budget to budge it, 








make ‘em move how you want, you know? 









Dangle some cash in front of their noses

















Somewhere it seems, we are forced to abdicate our direct knowing for at least second hand information which must be culturally filtered, merely because there are two separate individuals involved.





























Then there are times when the kaleidoscopic view in front of us hangs in the balance, and at a sudden all the pieces tumble and shift in a catastrophic collapse to a new ground, or base state. 
















That thing in front of you that kinda just sits there as you flex your tubes around. If you don't shift your gaze, your gaits, your posing and restraint, then nothing would change. 





















If it were possible for you yourself to not change, that implies that the world would be unchanging or static .. it just depends on whether or not the frames would sync up if you decided to start the world again. 
















I don't know anyone who can (at least) often do that, - but it is certainly possible for any one of us to turn our eyes: the view, after all, is never the same.


























"Five percent of people are saints; five percent are evil. In their soul, stone evil. The other 90, they're just sheep.. they will follow whoever has the upper hand .."

- from Special Ops: Lioness

.. in the battle between light & dark, there can be no permanent 'winner' .. at any given point, one has the upper hand, while the other appears to have 'lost', when in fact it has receded only to return reinvigorated to, eventually, prevail in turn ..

.. the cycle of the seasons, day & night are merely the most obvious & immediate examples of polarity in our experience, but one should be cautious if they want to transpose such principles to the inner, esoteric world ..

.. one should especially be careful to avoid the con clusion that, if everything levels out to zero when all is said and done, then 'nothing really matters' .. ignorance & evil are very real to their victims, & simply to say "well, it's all the same in the end" does perhaps less than nothing to alleviate their suffering ..

.. knowing this, the magician must weigh their actions carefully to determine if they con tribute to the good or if they result in evil .. this is, after all, how we experience freedom in our lived experience ..













.. & certainly, we all wish to be free, but we must always ask the question, 'free to do what ..?' .. surely freedom, more than the absence of restraint, is on a much more profound level to truly know what we want, so the wishes & desires of others are not determining our own behavior ..

.. the ideal is that, if we truly are doing what we really want, we can reduce evil, ignorance to a minimum, which is but the result of error or con fusion .. & the challenge set before us is to reach that point of the gnosis of our own true will ..

.. don't be led by those who have been misled ..







.. cuz if they win, u lose ..

"-In the city, always a reflection; in the woods, always a sound ..

-What about the desert?

-You don't want to go in the desert .."

- from Spartan

.. happens to the best of us .. 








.. the peaks are the most treacherous ..









.. so don't lose he/art ..









.. & get back up  ..











band of eLLips(i/e)s













[ .. being issue # 91 in LL's publication series of research papers on selected topics in advanced esoteric philosophy & applied psychonautics .. ]




























"Magic is simple .. draw from your heart"





- from The Keepers of the 5 Kingdoms
















 .. it's not a con tradiction, 











just a different perspective on the same thing ..

.. tighten up; that's the key ..

.. & if u can streamline more than anybody, 












you've @L(L)ready won actually ..
























The words make cents.













Communication of lines, characters on tv













Seen far away - as if in a dream














A mark makes sound when made across a page or on a board or a stone













There was and still is a literal sound to the production of written word












Pounding out the codes, swooshing with a pen, hammer to chisel, fist to chin

























I feel my face, can you feel yours?












Shattered and battered, covered in pulsing flesh.













I can feel my eyes and the outside turning in













Turning out scenes












And I feel with my feet as I leave trails all over the place,












That maybe I can't see, but for some there's chase













The thrill of the tail













Like a cat and mouse game













Or field where men lay













Down prone on thorns of yesterday's old men













Crooning and clawing at the moon as his lust or love slips away

























When you rob with a pen












You'll get 'way again












But a knife or a gun,














not a book or a ledger














And you'll find














You're inside of a pen














Looking out, and about














At where you had once been

























Order and chaos meet in death













Combat until the end














One a flat place, no smile or a frown















The other no-where for feet on the ground















This way and that, no way and pat














A fire, too bright, puts out all other lights














While in darkness no sights













On the dark meandering of ways,














that Chaos and order lay

























The problem with poetry is: you can't build machines with it.




























"Truth is the greatest illusion of them all"

- from Arcane





.. horse races around the world & all over the place, & leadership changes faster than one can keep pace .. maybe if we pick one over the other, the whole world will change  ..

















.. but when the music stops, what's different, other than which talking head is in place, & who they've replaced ..?

.. thesis: the world isn't run by talking heads; it's run by investors & collectors .. & the catch is that anyone(..?), no, absolutely everyone is in vested in this game, it being the only game in town: the game of what is, of what will become, (a) reality .. 

















.. & nothing will change unless we ourselves change, & redirect our (energetic) investments accordingly ..
















.. not science, but conscience rules us here .. & what's right is what feels like it is .. surely, it's important to have an accurate understanding of what's "real", but of what value are all the numbers in the world if they can't change how you feel ..?






















.. some are calling ours the second gilded age: lot of money flying around, but seemingly only landing near those whose piles were high to begin with; a lot of corruption, & a dizzying, vertigo-inducing level of inequality ..
















.. & as if to prove it, u got some overrich clown who surrounds himself with $hills he pays to never say no, even when he says he wants to go to Mars, a a literal nuclear waste land  ..
















.. but they should, cuz only a truly global society could make it that far, even as in the meanwhile we have more challenges facing our world than ever before .. only through cooperating on a hitherto unseen scale can we perhaps ensure that such a project would have even a chance of success ..
















.. the truth is, we either (literally) rise coLLectively or we kill each other on the way down to hell ..















.. & the only question is, in which of those will you energetically invest, if, as u invest, so will u collect ..


"That which inspires us to our greatest good is also the cause of our greatest evil"

- from Arcane














"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"





- from No Country for Old Men














.. & if u con front your fears, will they disappear ..?

.. guess there's only one way to find (d)ou(b)t ..












.. isn't there.. 




con.flag.ration x con fl(@)uence












"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely"





- CG Jung













.. 'do what thou wilt'; @LLways ..









.. but u can't prevent others from doing theirs ..
























Of course people are going to have confidence in a conman













The Tower of Babel caught fire at the base - it was not a rebel angel that besieged the ramparts and sent down fire and brimstone. It was those on whom the tower stood who raised torches and pitchforks. 














The heights are remote from life on the ground, and as such differ from those who must toil to survive. And, there are many ways of toiling..



























 in space no-one can hear you sceam 

[down on earth]













Boil, boil, toil and trouble -

Snake oil salesman here, straight on the double.

For in a pinch, it's a cinch

To double down on rubble.














Knock it down, build it up

They done scattered fill it up

Roll some dice -

Not me or mine who dies














No worries there -

Now another few

round yonder

over there

Come looking for a buck

To buy some stuff














Never looking

How to pick the lock

To the prison that they've bought

chains is all there's ever been

A man or a beast,

To the land or to the feasts

To a box or to a beat

To something new, or something leet















Now stick it in, and call a spade a spade

Some of them people seem to always got it made

Packing slaves on the clock doing something, Who cares not

That's us, over there, making you drive the bus

While you're stressing for a buck,

or two to make ends touch
















You know,













Sometimes we gotta pack the gat if we got

Don't wanna fall in line like all you rot's

What they say

While all your time slips down the drain

We're living on your dime

While you're dreaming on your own time
















We're up high

Outside of all those lines


Those rules you take are me and mine
















For, it's the carrot or the stick, take your pick

Whichever one sticks, you know you'll get your lick

The original con: the conman's got no job


Ain't that odd?















No product, no produce,

Nothing to show,


They got it loose

Easy as it goes,

For don't you know?:


When they need another buck,

They just print it up.


Or write it down,

A number in a book

By which they got you hooked.


Pulling purse strings in the air


Let you think there're dreams in there













Well there are, but

The price must still be paid


You see, we got it made


By you


We made it up - I said enough




And now you're on your way
























.. choosing the highway of regret over the footpath of wisdom,











u seek to celebrate; but find yourself in mo(u)rning ..  












.. shades (thus named on account of







"They think I'm hiding in the shadows .. but I am the shadows"







 - from The Batman) wondered aloud, 'don't tell me you still doubt that we've now entered fully into the aeon of the con artist ..?

.. & I sure hope you've tightened up; minimized .. hope you're disciplined & organized, cuz you're gonna need to be, to survive .. & in the off chance you're not, there's no better time to start ..'

.. you don't want to live your life 










stuck in someone else's reality ..

.. to be sure, in order to succeed, one must have discipline; & if you're not able or wiLLing to do it for yourself, others will be all too eager to do it for you .. but where does the discipline imposed by others end, & the oppression begin..? .. stated another way: where's the line between doing one's will & holding others back from doing theirs ..?















.. it's arguably a world-historical question .... after all, & after another manner, don't these questions circumscribe the entire trajectory of colonialism & (post-)neoliberalism ..?



 .. 47 will fail for the same reason 45 (who is the same (?)) did: the death of neo-liberalism won't just go away; it's a reality we've found ourselves in ..











.. ahem ..  the point here is not to make facile delineations, but, on the con trary, to stress that these are open questions that need to be engaged with rather than avoided .. & it's important to argue against excess (at least where this overflows one's means) .. 














.. on the other hand, errors of excess will inevitably be corrected by history itself, as they've always been .. & where we go from (T)here is anyone's guess; yea, albeit beyond our weirdest dreams ..















.. end up now.here if you follow a crowd ..

















 .. think it through; game it out..












.. excessive success is the worst possible outcome; 













even physics agrees with that one ..



























.. & is it true, after @LL, 










that it's darkest before dawn..? 










.. guess we'll find out; 











hope it won't be long ..










".. but if it's our mind that can invent gods, & if from them flows such power, why can't we apply that power directly..?"




- from Megalopolis 


.. technicians .. 










.. geometricians ..










.. metamathemagicians ..


's tr(eye)@ngulation / transdimensional jiu-jitsu















"In the end, this shadow is but a small and passing thing. There is light and high beauty forever beyond its reach. Find the light, and the shadow will not find you"

- from The Rings of Power


.. the first rule of WWIII is “Don’t talk about WWIII” ..










 .. & it's only a successful con if they don't know it's one ..

























Every impulse has a unique effect.














Oppositely directed impulses never cancel or void each other without a change of direction or kind.













Impulses are constantly being transmitted to and from the surround. So placing or moving a cup will, in motion transmit impulses as motion and as well when it accelerates and decelerates, thus modifying the surround both as to radiational characteristics and by effecting the motions of fluxing activities or material motions, either preventing them or deflecting them, absorbing (some of) them, or thus generally causing a modification.














On Earth, the surround of "static" bodies is generally noted as the atmosphere and its constituents as pertaining to the form of its existence. In a more abstract sense, according to the sensory presentations of perceptible bodies, such as figure and color, there are constructions built off of the forms that exist in the surround, such as tangent planes. 














These structures MUST somehow find an existence in external reality for there to be the appearance of a form. The environmental factors of a form are inseparable from the form as surface and as activity in its interior.














Nothing is any more local than the fact that the house is in the neighborhood, and you're inside the house, etc. - When you are inside, how often does your mental picture of the environment expand to include the outdoors, or through walls? 














Seems to close off the awareness of the larger surroundings once you step inside a segregated surround, force a point of focus - as we literally cannot expand as easily inside a house as in an open field. The radiational characteristics are inherently different and that reflects inwards in the perceived feeling(s) of being.













Without a very active agent such as a human or an animal, a space kind of just sits there, collecting dust. Set in an active agent and the space opens with possibilities. The shades have been closed for 40 years? Pull them up and let in some light, etc. - maybe not a very good picture of what I'm trying to convey.   













Think of it like this: imagine yourself in a room with a table a chair and a cup. Without you doing anything, you likely imagine they stay put; however, as soon as you are there and can reach out and place the cup on the table, the space has changed, even before you've moved a muscle. 















There is a greater instability present, or the space of potential or possibility has become denser in approaching the real solidity of.... A cup on a table. 















A sum of paths of some probability, chosen by the will - the physically real spreading out into those possible paths according to the whims and wiles of the operator as the act in fact is phased in.
























 .. what if I told u people die because they choose to ..













.. shades (.. thus named to underline his antihero brand, which was always the coolest kind of hero to be ..) says "let me tell you what I learned when I went to hell: I learned that even the devil could be your friend" ..

















.. the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu .. the fact is that we don't know how far our thoughts & actions affect other variables, things, or people for sure .. & even the experts in such things will con cede that that's true ..













.. & even that great compendium of our coLLective knowledge & experience, science, is just a list of correlations; patterns that seem to be accurate, more often than they're not, of things we can affect, & of which we feel the effects ..

.. & so, the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu .. in fact, we're practicing it here rn, & so are you ..  con necting thoughts, actions, references in space & time to referents, linking (seemingly?) disparate elements into a gestalt ..














.. & yes, it's hard to grasp let alone con vey but that couldn't possibly change the fact that the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu ..













.. in Chaos Theory's butterfly effect, a tiny insect flapping its wings can cause a storm; it can affect a much larger system on altogether a different dimension, with outcomes that far outweight the initial modification .. but we're to be lie ve that we're somehow less effective than a butterfly ..? 














.. there are various views about the extent of the effects of weather modification (& yet global warming & human-caused climate change are somehow more far-fetched?), but even if the most modest range of capabilities of such technologies is presumed, we're to con clude that the human will is in some way less efficacious than the weather modification machines that the human will built ..?










.. no .. the simple, plain truth is we don't know what we're capable of (affecting) .. magicians simply want to point out that we should feel free to experiment in that direction .. it's not wrong .. it's not .. & those who say it is may not be prioritizing your best interests ..

.. it's with all this in mind that the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu ..















.. if happens every day ..











.. if you're at the right time in the right place ..

.. that's the key, that's the trick you see ..










.. it's reaLLy just smile (inside) ..

.. unless u don't want to, I guess ..







“The last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult” 





- Agent Cooper, Twin Peaks






.. they don't know who they're playing with ..









.. or what dimension they're from, goddamn ..

.. sooner or later, you turn into your opponent ..

.. so choose them wisely then, my friend ..


xenomorph zombies are coming for your lunch













“Denying yourself is an indulgence and I don’t recommend anything of the kind”





- Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality

.. & anyone who tells you not to succeed is not your friend ..






3 - the pain in passion in pain in














Money walks the fine line between good and evil, as the presses roll off bills like [a] film.














A medium of exchange -:> A:B. If money is a medium, and exchange occurs via the media, or in-between of any two things; does that mean the laws, and flaws, of money exist whenever there is an active interface. The lubricant between all those surfaces that everything is; all the way down, and all the way up.













In $ Out, an interchange, bulging, bubbling, pulsating in and out. And if money is the lubricant of motion, what is the machine to which the gears it is lubricating belong, and what does it have to do with us, sitting here, in this machine that man has built?














MACHINE INTERLOGUE: A little funny, looking up where my smoke detector should have been, but instead is the emblem of Red, and White, and Black - where it would have been. Why are the axis powers staring back at me, I ask. Hot, Neutral, Ground [Common\Return]. 



























Well, for awhile now, tobacco was the currency de nom in these United States. What with all the hullabaloo about inflation, here you have a national medium of exchange that was inherently deflationary. You know, back when there was a reason to burn it. 















Any wonder what role that played in the rise of these United States? But that would mean the less you wanted to smoke the richer you'd get: seems to have turned pretty much the truth now with the cost of cigarettes. Poor man can't get no smoke, or smoke break. What's that about? I think probably to keep people from talking about things that aren't work safe. But then again, some people probably do get smoke breaks, but there's nowhere to smoke - you know, don't get outside and see all the passing commotion. Eh, but that's just maybe office workers in western cities.














But if between any two things, there is always another thing: How do we find the the right currency that we know must exist so that those two things can "talk"? Say between our inner self and its environment and the physical world? If all labile interfaces follow the laws of money, maybe we can just use the laws of economics, and economics has been modeled, very successfully in a hydrodynamic sense, where it's real water that you can actually drink that is moving about [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phillips_Machine].














So we're back to water, which we kinda already knew that - you know, mucoidal lubricants and cell internals <- That kind of stuff. So if we're transmitting influences, or rather, if everything is transmitting influences, between each other by medium of money, or water, then what kinds of waters are there? 














We know that each country, or currency region at this point, has its own symbolic representation held different in some way from the others... and they actually act differently, going back to that MONIAC (look at the damn link will you : ) they are collectively pulsating hydrodynamic entities. Then there's that good old thing called foreign exchange - you know, tourists and shit, but think factory-sized quantities of moolah chunkin' about in there too.













Like blowing bubbles where something real is returned in exchange, for some of that sweet sweet water [or crude oil]. Speaking of that (snake) Oil - is itself a bit like water, but they don't really get along under the hood. They don't mix, if you catch my drift back to that beginning line... 














Oil is the liquid that runs the machine part of the machine: cars, planes, etc., although electricity is catching back on. Real water, H2O, and the products it generates in the form of animals, plants, etc. are the fuel that runs the organism ostensibly in charge of the machine: Physical Human Beings. Wow, we're really spinning out of control now, pulling in a lot of things that need that lubcricating action going on  - - -  now where's all that money going?














So we have two very real waters, H2O and petroleum, and an abstract, or spiritual, water: money. One of them directly feeds the machine, one satiates the demands of organisms, and the other directs, mainly, the machine via the intercession of actual fucking people - greases the wheels, as they say.












8 - love is dripping all over the floor












.. what is it about the fall & a fear of the other; is it the un con scious realization that there is a whole other half of the year that is so distinct & different, yet of a part with the whole ..?














.. & so, we see "leaders" warning away from "neo-mercantilist protectionist economics" & hear echoes of (far more) infamous fascists blaming the other outright for whatever misfortune benefits their own agenda ..













.. our interests here, however, are neither with legislation nor with finance, but, as they have always been & ever will be, with esoteric research, especially in its most immediate & personal sense .. 














.. this isn't to say that those former are trivial con cerns; quite the con trary .. rather, it is merely to be mindful that it is only a fool who will put a band-aid over the symptom when they could perhaps even more easily address the root cause of the con cern ..














 .. thus, what we are interested in here is what such expressions might tell us about the collective (un)con sciousness in particular .. there is a sense that the outer world at large can be thought of, 'seen' as a mirror reflection of the inner (world), & if so, one could well read this as almost an obsession with .. efficiency ..















.. intention & efficiency .. these are the real breeding ground for "zombies" (energies or thought forms that seem to act independently but in fact are con trolled by/from an other/elsewhere) that are indeed xenomorphs, in that they originate from outside our selves .. 














.. how much of our most valuable resource, time, as well as energy & money are wasted away achieving the will of others & con tributing to their success ..? .. & how little is left over to further our own.. it's no wonder the whole world is obsessed with efficiency & intention, nor that so many don't even know it ..













.. above & beyond anything & everything else, the magician is always seeking power .. & certainly not adherence to any written law .. however, the magician is also well aware that power always comes with a price, & it is up to them to decide if it's worth the entry fee ..














.. this is also the case with money, which, as we've suggested more than once, is also a form of energy, if not a measure of power in its own way .. but if this is the case, we must always remember that there's a price .. 














.. money is also *pain*.. either one's own or someone else's, but it definitely is pain, after another manner .. one could think of this particular price as the karma, or energetic "weight" attached to the sum in question ..











7 -  Love is pain










.. the real con artist is a surgeon ; a technician ..

.. intentional, efficient, precise ..

.. trimmed & tightened down to successfully attain their Will  ..