.. first there was a will, then there was a way ..
.. ergo, the energetics precede the biologics ..
"We never stop choosing who we are"
- from Moana 2
- .. was out and about and got very pissed off; started throwing around deadly forms, but in a calm state. the shop grate was half down and some guy quickly came in, stood at the desk that I was sitting next to, did some mumbo jumbo with his hands that I could not see, then turns and walks off with a bottle of something. My family and I leave the eyeglass place and along past us walking to the exit is the guy doing some kind of ritualistic walk, holding the bottle very “peculiarly”. He ambulates ahead
- .. a fellow practitioner perhaps; a magician ..
- The question then is though, what was the nature of the bottle and if any contents prior / after the manuevre? I initially got the impression it was some form of alcohol, but i only saw a sliver of it
- .. could be .. liquor has a lot of ritual uses, including pacifying spirits for example; it's offered as a gift to propitiate them ..
- for some reason, I thought he was bottling it up to be used elsewhere
- .. could well be so, ya .. water at least is said to hold energetic impressions, & even if it was booze, it's not so unlikely that spirits might hold .. spirits
- they certainly do let them out when imbibed .. release them, that is ..
Reichenbach, or Secret Visions of the 5th Dalai Lama
I forgot I hadn't written anything this time around, just some scattered notes on the ground - chicken scratch in the sand, hunting and pecking with pen in hand, but at the end of the day: very little to show.
Languages are cages that hem in the noetic flux - sometimes the mind gets stuck.
We're just apes with variously, to some degree, mechanically functioning languages: the analogy is complete (enough). The cranks of engines were first turned on paper pages, the machine world first took shape on a drawing board.
Reaching out, extruding ectoplasmic people through cathode ray tubes. Duplicated characters shared amongst cogs. The engineering languages, the various mathematics with their shapes, signs, rules, and results find a close enough approximation to a one-to-one mapping with factual occurrences, that people have been able to, for a long time now, to simulate reality on paper.
Reduce the world('s) (to two) dimensions and (re)assemble. The telling of a thing is always less than the thing, or, information can be compressed if you don't care about fidelity. But, you have to care about the fidelity of the fact; we haven't figured out how to compress an apple without making apple juice.
We're just apes with variously, to some degree, meta functioning languages: the analogy is complete (enough). We program ourselves like we program machines or computers, if we know what we're doing - either wise we're trained just like the silicon neural nets. Target objective result. Repeat - focus on a goal, don't nitpick the details, they coalesce to the condensing nucleus.
Practice is the part where you have the goal and pay attention to what you are doing. Slowly building (real [someone else can sense it]) nerve control pathways. When we're entering a world through a body, effectively random, white noise stimuli, punctuated with the relative darkness of sleeping, is sensed and we flail pushing into the sound with various forces, until... something sticks, that is: we have a real response from the environment - i.e. I can now discern shapes.
If we are to continue growing, something of the same sort needs to be attended to: pushing somewhat randomly into the environment and seeing what returns a response in return, always (hyper) local to varying degrees.
Day was the dead day
The signal / response pattern is a set of languages in the various sensory apparatus :: input + output.
If there is always an output language associated with an input language, for each sensory apprehension, hmmm, which corresponds to which ..
"The crowd always wants to grow. There are no natural boundaries
to its growth. There are no institutions which can be absolutely relied
on to prevent the growth of the crowd once and for all"
- Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power
.. once again, friends, it is eye, shades (thus named cuz
"One by one we're all becoming shades"
- James Joyce, The Dead), your fear less dealer, with another joint .. a notably experimental one, but then, we're @LLways trying things out here to see what will shift reality in a more positive & con structive Way .. u know how it is in this biz ..
.. & it sure seems like we need it, what with things seemingly getting worse (hopefully before they get better) ..
.. ah, but that's the thing - are we lying around waiting for things to get better, or are we actively Working, i.e. investing energy, with a view to improving ourselves & the wider world..? .. surely, at the very least, we're wishing that it may be so, for certainly that's better than doing nothing at all ..
.. as we've noted before, this world belongs to investors; those who invest time, energy (..& isn't money just a crude measure of such..?), etc, & who then collect benefits on these investments ..
.. case in point: if, as many have theorized, we're living in a second so-called Gilded Age, where the greatest threat to the common good, to the individual and their freedom, are the oligarchs, the plutocrats, (or, as some have gone so far as to call them,) the robber barons, why is this the case ..? .. is it not because they have so much more invested than the 'average' person, at least in financial terms ..?
.. assuming this is the case, & it seems reasonable to make such a deduction from the observations at hand, then what is needed to counter, indeed to overcome, said robber barons is, simply put, an (at minimum) equal & opposite 'investment', understood in the broad terms outlined above as con sisting of time, energy, etc, & with the goal of resisting their sociopathic agenda in favor of a more holistic understanding of reality ..
.. & so, maybe if everyone who isn't happy with the state of the world today put their 'money' where their metaphorical mouth is, we could reach a criticaL mass, an escape veLocity into a future that would put this present mess into con text, as a nightmarish past from which we have successfuLLy awakened ..
"If you change the rules on what controls you, you will change the rules on what you can control"
- from Revolver
.. LLegends don't die ..
.. they just become more interesting ..