
's tr(eye)@ngulation / transdimensional jiu-jitsu















"In the end, this shadow is but a small and passing thing. There is light and high beauty forever beyond its reach. Find the light, and the shadow will not find you"

- from The Rings of Power


.. the first rule of WWIII is “Don’t talk about WWIII” ..










 .. & it's only a successful con if they don't know it's one ..

























Every impulse has a unique effect.














Oppositely directed impulses never cancel or void each other without a change of direction or kind.













Impulses are constantly being transmitted to and from the surround. So placing or moving a cup will, in motion transmit impulses as motion and as well when it accelerates and decelerates, thus modifying the surround both as to radiational characteristics and by effecting the motions of fluxing activities or material motions, either preventing them or deflecting them, absorbing (some of) them, or thus generally causing a modification.














On Earth, the surround of "static" bodies is generally noted as the atmosphere and its constituents as pertaining to the form of its existence. In a more abstract sense, according to the sensory presentations of perceptible bodies, such as figure and color, there are constructions built off of the forms that exist in the surround, such as tangent planes. 














These structures MUST somehow find an existence in external reality for there to be the appearance of a form. The environmental factors of a form are inseparable from the form as surface and as activity in its interior.














Nothing is any more local than the fact that the house is in the neighborhood, and you're inside the house, etc. - When you are inside, how often does your mental picture of the environment expand to include the outdoors, or through walls? 














Seems to close off the awareness of the larger surroundings once you step inside a segregated surround, force a point of focus - as we literally cannot expand as easily inside a house as in an open field. The radiational characteristics are inherently different and that reflects inwards in the perceived feeling(s) of being.













Without a very active agent such as a human or an animal, a space kind of just sits there, collecting dust. Set in an active agent and the space opens with possibilities. The shades have been closed for 40 years? Pull them up and let in some light, etc. - maybe not a very good picture of what I'm trying to convey.   













Think of it like this: imagine yourself in a room with a table a chair and a cup. Without you doing anything, you likely imagine they stay put; however, as soon as you are there and can reach out and place the cup on the table, the space has changed, even before you've moved a muscle. 















There is a greater instability present, or the space of potential or possibility has become denser in approaching the real solidity of.... A cup on a table. 















A sum of paths of some probability, chosen by the will - the physically real spreading out into those possible paths according to the whims and wiles of the operator as the act in fact is phased in.
























 .. what if I told u people die because they choose to ..













.. shades (.. thus named to underline his antihero brand, which was always the coolest kind of hero to be ..) says "let me tell you what I learned when I went to hell: I learned that even the devil could be your friend" ..

















.. the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu .. the fact is that we don't know how far our thoughts & actions affect other variables, things, or people for sure .. & even the experts in such things will con cede that that's true ..













.. & even that great compendium of our coLLective knowledge & experience, science, is just a list of correlations; patterns that seem to be accurate, more often than they're not, of things we can affect, & of which we feel the effects ..

.. & so, the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu .. in fact, we're practicing it here rn, & so are you ..  con necting thoughts, actions, references in space & time to referents, linking (seemingly?) disparate elements into a gestalt ..














.. & yes, it's hard to grasp let alone con vey but that couldn't possibly change the fact that the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu ..













.. in Chaos Theory's butterfly effect, a tiny insect flapping its wings can cause a storm; it can affect a much larger system on altogether a different dimension, with outcomes that far outweight the initial modification .. but we're to be lie ve that we're somehow less effective than a butterfly ..? 














.. there are various views about the extent of the effects of weather modification (& yet global warming & human-caused climate change are somehow more far-fetched?), but even if the most modest range of capabilities of such technologies is presumed, we're to con clude that the human will is in some way less efficacious than the weather modification machines that the human will built ..?










.. no .. the simple, plain truth is we don't know what we're capable of (affecting) .. magicians simply want to point out that we should feel free to experiment in that direction .. it's not wrong .. it's not .. & those who say it is may not be prioritizing your best interests ..

.. it's with all this in mind that the magician practices what might be thought of as transdimensional jiu-jitsu ..















.. if happens every day ..











.. if you're at the right time in the right place ..

.. that's the key, that's the trick you see ..










.. it's reaLLy just smile (inside) ..

.. unless u don't want to, I guess ..







“The last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult” 





- Agent Cooper, Twin Peaks






.. they don't know who they're playing with ..









.. or what dimension they're from, goddamn ..

.. sooner or later, you turn into your opponent ..

.. so choose them wisely then, my friend ..