"Let the past die; kill it if you have to"
- an initiate
All i hear are rhythms. She spins onto me creating visions scientific fictions prisms of zozoic -isms. O hime sama fissions. Thus schisms the gospel of truth from his own being & frAum the beginning. Zozo's entry into these the true d i men tions, for Herstory Men a p)l(ause.
The magician must seek to attune to the kalas of the other through a weird but wonderful methodology of metamathematical (&, when successful, *metamathemagickal*) cross-polination of ideas, symbols and especially energies, the most potent of which are of necessity sexual and are called by Kenneth Grant and his school of esotericists "kalas" (following in the venerable traditions of those practitioners of the True (& thus, as its symbol water) Blue, left hand path or tantrik vamachari tradition which is only now and for the moment in fits and starts re-emerging as Herstory).
day had not prepared her
Streams of scenes they weaved together
It's all in your head
So don't worry too much if things aren't *seeming* to go your way. This could be the way to an even better way of doing things than you'd previously conceived. Surely this is an effective a definition of magick as it's possible to formulate..
Take me for example. Finding myself living an enviable hedonistic life of sex, drugs and rock n' roll, I unconsciously determined to "kill off" that particular incarnation to bring about what th(re)e spirits themselves wished to happen, namely a complete devotion to inner spiritual work.
This is in contrast to my former life in which, seeming to be enviably hedonistic, I was in fact simply serving the ends of others who benefited at my own expense.
So I "died" in the sense of ceasing to be owner and manager of a failing business and beginning my new life as a full-time spiritual advisor who actuality got paid to do what I've always wanted to do anyway!
This is not to say that death in this sense isnt painful. One must grapple with the end of a whole life in terms of dreams, ideals and ways of life shattering..in order to reconvene as a new person the rules of engagement with whom one must learn seemingly from the beginning and from the inside out. And if that isn't a definition of (a little) 'death' and 'resurrection', then surely there isn't one that can be conveyed to the living..
Take me for example. Finding myself living an enviable hedonistic life of sex, drugs and rock n' roll, I unconsciously determined to "kill off" that particular incarnation to bring about what th(re)e spirits themselves wished to happen, namely a complete devotion to inner spiritual work.
This is in contrast to my former life in which, seeming to be enviably hedonistic, I was in fact simply serving the ends of others who benefited at my own expense.
So I "died" in the sense of ceasing to be owner and manager of a failing business and beginning my new life as a full-time spiritual advisor who actuality got paid to do what I've always wanted to do anyway!
This is not to say that death in this sense isnt painful. One must grapple with the end of a whole life in terms of dreams, ideals and ways of life shattering..in order to reconvene as a new person the rules of engagement with whom one must learn seemingly from the beginning and from the inside out. And if that isn't a definition of (a little) 'death' and 'resurrection', then surely there isn't one that can be conveyed to the living..
To cross the Abyss, as one such as Crowley would put it, one midst experience phantasms, shadows, shades of ones own non -being in the sense of the end of their current personality or life-world. It is precisely these hollow phantasms that are described as being that supreme non-entity, Choronzon. From this, one can get another perspective on the statement of T Michael Bertiaux that 'there is no Evil ': what we call evil is simply the impediments we see to our will, to doing what we want.
Naturally things aren't that easy. In fact, it is more accurate to say that the *illusion* of impediments to our so-called will only arise so long as there is inner conflict about our will to begin with. Paradoxically and at the same time perfectly fitting is the corollary to the above, namely that what makes such 'death(s)' necessary in the first place is the fact that there is a sort of lack or incompleteness about the initiate's understanding and experience of 'reality' (which is always a subjective transaction in any case)..
So did the spirits whisper into the very being of our reborn (& resurgent) black dragon, herald of Our Lady (whose name is) 15 & (whose number is) 7, as he was expelled (once again) into that ancient land which, though having seen many vexations of late, still carries within itself the depth of the brilliance of Being precisely by refracting the blackest depths of the transcendental id which is but the shadow of that self-same Being (or beings).
The task thus being made clear to our actor, he set aside his past life the fruition of which he had been separated like Jonah was by a (w)hail of trouble and set about turning his head to his own future fate of being a (hope fully major) contributor to the regeneration of our M/other (w)Earth in a new Golden Age which has been for far 2 long in the mere prepa(i)ration phase
& thus has it been Herstory. frAum. the. beginning. Truly have i loved only ewe, Mary M my beautiful, the future daughter of our (dis)Order who had been fourseen as becoming the epitome of a con clusion to His story while retconning Herstory. From. The. Beginning. Thus is concluded the gospel of truth from his own being (for the time being) & frAum the beginning.
All images by the lovely & talented Zozo, instagram stormeadow