











"Ideology is the science of idiots"






- John Adams












 .. apparently the putsch has been cancelled ..










.. or rather deferred, perhaps ..

























Smashing singularities.










Tagging allies with unremarkable anarchies of calculated vibration.










All that defines Will bind.











There is no other way,









To force us to stay.











Mind presses to skin, there’s no such thing as never been.











Bind as faith.











Temples on my back.













Toppling turrets with torrents rough as redemption.












No matter -









your call sign.










We all serve The Tower    









All the same.    
























 .. beware of getting lost..

.. inside another person's dream ..












.. shades (.. thus named because such a name would supposedly help him maintain a low profile ..) was amused by this (arguably unintentional) double entendre, "bad actors", which has been used to refer to malicious individuals, but could also mean that they're just not great at deceit .. 

.. amusingly, both senses are technically valid in the case of certain people who, when con fronted by reality, prefer to s(l)ink into their (day)dreams, forging ideo(to)logies which are detrimental, to a greater or lesser extent ..











.. these "bad actors", motivated by flawed ideologies, are seeking to maintain the status quo, a state moreover that increasingly many have realized is untenable .. 










.. in fact, it is precisely by avoiding change & progress that such "useful idiots" will themselves become their inadvertent catalysts ..

.. unfortunately, it's gonna get worse before it improves, as long as those who don't learn stick to their ideo(to)logical guns instead ..


.. it was only when I stopped running ..









.. that @LL I was chasing caught up with me ..

Taking a twist on spacetime transients and unusual events, is there anything we can do that causes unique events? Either to cycle back into our own experience or to land somewhere "out there" in the world-at-large? 










We know that things occasionally happen that are out-of-place, or unique when taken in consideration with our more general routines and perceptions. But, is there some sort of mechanism we can use to elicit such responses from the universe? (besides ingesting questionable substances)










Submitted for acceptance / rejection: We have at least some control over our thoughts and actions, and we ourselves can intentionally do things that are out-of-the-ordinary or relatively unique among happenings. 










We can make it a point to deviate from our routines or ways of doing things, to break the mold of physical and mental trackways in which we operate: the prisons without walls that have been built for us and that we ourselves have played a part in constructing. 









Do the cracks that we hammer out into our local spacetime - they at least enter other consciousnesses as "unique" - get paid back, so to speak?










Maybe simply as small wonders creeping back into our experience. Not necessarily wonder at "big picture" items, for those are somewhat amorphous and more-or-less background considerations or scenes, but rather the little coincidences that usually go ignored. 










For instance, you hurt your ankle and the next day while cleaning up find an old note written by someone else that says: "shotintheankle@gmail.com"- events that are in some sense related, separated in time & space, but that then become proximate.











These sorts of coincidences hint at additional hidden structure underlying our experience, but they usually do not lead into a more expansive psychic or material life. They pass, either unnoticed or noted, and leave little trace behind, since what much is there we can do with them other than that. We still do not have the magical mechanism that would enable us to make use of whatever structure causes coincidence in the first place.










In order to even make an attempt at developing such a mechanism, we have to pay more attention to... our attention, and what we happen to notice and why. We do xyz and then awhile later some uvw happens. Something a bit different, or a little off - unusual. What did we happen to be thinking of at xyz and at uvw? Maybe, in a span of moments, we see answers on reflecting into the past to questions we are having "right now", possibly not at all related to the conversation at point.











Considering the universe in the sense of a magic mirror, somewhat akin to a dream, reflecting ourselves back to us, we need to always consider what part of us is it that we are looking at "out there". When we do a thing, we have to think of what (interior) part of ourself it is that we are changing, rearranging. And that requires careful appreciation of the effects of an object's perception on our interior life and the whole system of consequences in which we find ourselves as a part. 











Even though for one event all causes and effects are infinite, maybe we can slip little hooks or nets of new forms into that flux and move things a little differently... like slapping a sigil on some oft-viewed bypass, or painting an alien on a yield sign. 










Anarchistic (unsanctioned) public works of art. 











Perceptual incongruities that may not need to be consciously noticed to DO SOMETHING™ - you can't help but look, but do you see: placing a rock diverts a stream.

.. everything ends ..

.. & that's the best thing, & it's the worst thing.. 







.. that can be said ..

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