













"Our loyalty was never to humanity but rather to the revolutionary force of cosmic evolution and to all those, of all species, who also align themselves with it"








- Jason Reza Jorjani, Promethean Pirate














 .. humanity is more than a word or a picture in one's head, or at least it should be ..

.. to get to what it reaLLy means to be human calls for a deep & thorough examination; to be bold enough to ask challenging questions & prepared to receive uncomfortable answers ..













.. to not take prepackaged answers as given .. to be ready to be surprised by what one might discover in such an undertaking ..

























"The one thing I know is that we're con stantly being born"

- from Ripley's Game




Humanity is something akin to a large language model, certainly at least as far as individuals are considered. As children we have each learned a few starting words, which then balloon out into the larger cultural context, first of a single particular language and then potentially expanding to the worlds of discourse encompassed by each of the world's languages.














Approaching the world through the lens of language, we are constantly labelling what we see, computing visual and other sensory phenomena and attempting to reduce them to the static structures embodied in words and sequences of words, fitting them into existing conceptual arrangements that are codified according to previously ingested media and those labelings provided from out of the past.













The individual tokens we use to communicate may be atomic and capable of being placed in sound or on page in finite time and space, but the concepts themselves are not so well defined. They are nebulous and fuzzy, each calling up separate associations according to an individual's experience and not fully capable of finality as the context in which their meaning lies is itself a part of any attempt at definition. Of course, we can get the gist of a phrase or saying, and that is enough for practical purposes.













When people communicate, and are confronted with diverse utterances, when the language is understood and considering them apart from tone, body language, etc., the words are sequentially parsed and processed by the mind and fit into the internal model which was formed over time, as stated, by the ingestion of various cultural productions. The incoming bits of information must be fit into those existing structures, or form part of an external surface of meaning that is rejected. Assuming that modern science is correct in its conclusion that the essence of our conscious existence is confined to the brain and its operations, then the incoming information must literally be fit, in a dynamic geometric sense, into the three dimensional structures already active in that organ.













The brain is in a constant motion of cycles and fluxes which are to some degree stable, but which are constantly being perturbed by incoming sensory information and must variously accommodate these impulses. In conversation, when the semantic data is not outright rejected and is also not immediately taken as "understood", we respond with our own selection of words either to elucidate further understanding or to comment upon and reform the others' understanding. Think of something like tentacles reaching out and probing a space, or an organism confined to the plane of agar in a petri dish, extending and retracting as they come into contact with external forms that are also expanding and contracting.













It may be worthwhile to consider that in their surface geometric structures, or forms taken at face value, sentences (and words) are sequences, or lines, very much like an "actual" tentacle that enters into our being and is somehow dealt with, or managed. And, once inside, they take on another life of their own - just think of a time when something someone has said has continued to reverberate and take hold of conscious attention, how sometimes you respond with words internally to what you have just heard. This is certainly noticeable when there is an associated emotional reaction, but there is no reason to think that it is not also true for all cases, only that the reaction is likely to be subconscious.












Additionally, it may be worth suggesting that these "tentacles", threads of active meaning within the mind / brain complex actually take hold of the physical organisms in which they reside, swaying them and sometimes moving (literal) mountains. One only needs to think, in particular, of the religious habits and the required behaviors, to outsiders often seeming bizarre, to see just to how strong a degree these complexes affect real, gross physical movements.












Setting aside standard notions of "adversary", and thinking in the technical sense of modern artificial intelligence, individuals, and the groups composed of them, are each acting somewhat in the same capacity as GANs, or generalized adversarial networks. We are set up "against" each other and in our exchanges modulate each other's internal neural networks in response, learning as we go. For some reason, however, and the answer likely lies partially tied in with the nature of language itself, this situation of being set up "against" one another turns into real, physical adversarial activities - fights, wars, etc - with some frequency between different language groups.












Don't be a machine that can't program itself.























"Except for stable eras, all times are chaotic eras"





- from 3 Body Problem









.. scientists recently met to discuss whether the changes that humanity has wrought upon the earth warrant the dubious honour of designating a new geological epoch in our name, which, following the con vention for naming geological eras, would be the "anthropocene", from Anthropos, the Greek word for "human" ..













.. the experts decided that this wasn't necessary, mostly for technical reasons; geological epochs typically last for millions of years, & by that measure, it's far too early to determine that our effects on the earth are so drastic as to call for such a technical term ..













.. they didn't con sider the possibility that, at the rate we're going, we may not be around another million years .. 













 .. in any case, the real heart of the issue isn't a technical geological term, which surely should be left to the experts in that field, but rather a question with which everyone should be con cerned, namely, what is it to be human ..?














.. today we face more challenges than ever before, & it's no longer enough simply to leave questions like this to the experts .. it's our response ability as members of humanity, as individuals, to determine our own Way, & where we stand on issues that really do affect all of us ..













 .. admittedly, there are things we can't do much about even if we've thought them through, but this in itself shouldn't hinder an examination of where humanity is at present .. as members of the coLLective Anthropos, we have an energetic vote, one that can sway decisions on the quantum level ..















.. the increasingly problematic nature of arguably outdated scientific theories & "big pictures", such as the standard model of particle physics that otherwise accounts for so much that occurs in reality, might well necessitate a re con sideration of their viability in the long term .. indeed, scientists are wondering whether there is in fact a force hitherto unaccounted for, the inclusion of which would result in a more accurate & widely applicable model ..














.. what if this hitherto hidden force is none other than con sciousness, will, intention ..?  .. & what if this is the very essence of humanity itself, rather than how one dresses or how they do their hair ..? .. what if the problem isn't that we've focused too much on inserting humanity into the scene, but rather that we have focused too much on details, & not yet even seen what the nature of humanity is in the first place ..?





















"These questions are as dark as the stormy seas that lie ahead of us. They are liable to produce what Kafka called a “seasickness on dry land.” But now, there’s no turning back. Like Atlas, we bear the burden of holding up the heavens at the end of the world. As Promethean pirates wielding the trident of Poseidon, we forge on ahead. So be it if we are chased by the lightning and the thunder. Stay under. Our story is not over. Our Leviathan sails on through the dark night of time."






- Jason Reza Jorjani, Promethean Pirate








.. to succeed is to program the un con scious; it's not a vanity or a game .. 













.. repeating incantations, mantras, words of power, is precision Work that pays off outsized dividends ..

.. everywhere & now here ..












                             .. nowhere cuz it's everywhere ..
















.. there is a Way ..

.. & if there's a Way, it leads to another place,











& if it leads to another place, then surely, it's a better place ..















.. but what is this Way, & how are we to find it..? .. each must determine this for themselves .. here, we simply present notes from our own journeys & travels ..













.. ultimately, the true Guide is inside ..























What is the relation between a gnomon and a gnome?













Surfaces of relative discontinuity









The discontinuous nature of step functions is mediated by waves, as with the fourier series that lead there to. 











The linear arises from the wavelets, which are always extending and impinging, or generated from within, and received from without. 











At a solid surface, a fourier series has converged to a step function by both frequency and phase shifts as distances approach that zero. 











The compositional force in normal existence is never seen to break down, i.e. solid objects generally hold their shape, which seems to indicate that if the surface is due to inward and outward wavelets, then those waves can pass through, largely, the other surrounding matter, with little change. 













The waves impinging at the surface may not be coming at a distance, but instead arise a local action, or reaction, to some object or process at an interior ..























".. the binary of the natural and the artificial, or of what is produced by nature and what is produced by technology, is a superficial and untenable distinction. Technology is actually a teleological phenomenon intrinsic to the cosmic evolutionary process. Its revolutionary power to restructure society is an expression of the force of evolution. The danger to humanity is not from technology as such .."

- Jason Reza Jorjani, Promethean Pirate












"It's a long fucking night; even the dead get bored"

- from True Detective: Night Country












 .. Freddy Will Nietzsche said the problem with looking into the abyss is that it looks into you, but are we to take this in the form of a warning, or a challenge ..?



 .. like, maybe the abyss is supposed to look into you ..? .. how do we know what we like, if we don't know what we don't like ..? is it possible to know what one reaLLy wants if they don't know what to a void, in life ..?












 .. certainly it's possible to ban technologies, apps, even Ways of thinking .. but it's arguably foolish to imagine that this is the last word, that somehow it solves the problem ..













.. in fact, a good argument can be made for why doing so is ultimately self-defeating, & those who have reflected on the above trajectories of thought are already some Way along developing it ..













.. parallax is a Way to determine how far away something is by gauging the difference between two different points of view, & triangulation is a similar technique .. what they have in common is that they rely on seeing things from con trasting perspectives .. 

.. there is a similar method that can be used in the realm of ideas .. but it depends as its foundation on the ability to see things from disparate positions, or in diverse Ways .. where we stand, our position with respect to a certain question or problematic is never reaLLy at one or the other extreme, but at some point, somewhere in between ..













..we do not become stronger by avoiding, but by engaging with; undergoing & overcoming chaLLenges that emerge ahead of us on the Way ..













 Better a white hole than a black hole










 or, on the whole, is it better to be no hole at (w)hole


























Man lies in repose, body lax, mind follows -












reaches out, not ready for sleep - turns to a screen: a show











a relatively passive subject still craving stimulation,












but too tired to get up after it himself, flying flat











at ease, untensed












why the desire for additional stimulation?












If avoiding sleep, why avoid sleep?












Why not?: sit with limited environmental input













why not?: sit still without stimulation











stimulation is sought out and \ or found within











oneself - if the subject remains awake





















What does it mean to have one's actions continue to be active in an effectively infinite span of time?










---- ☠









"hope doesn't come without a price"

- from Avatar: The Last Airbender

.. but numbers don't mean anything except relative to each other ..

.. your eyes narrow ..

.. you know either you or they will win ..

.. but u already know who it'll be ..



re:program reality (delulu free remix)











"Magic is always the tactic of last resort for those who refuse to give up hope. You do not summon Cthulhu to help you find the TV remote. You only visit the witch at the edge of the village when all other options have been explored, for she is the loan shark of the gods. It is only a certain kind of person who is willing to take the road we are about to walk"






- Gordon White, The Chaos Protocols













.. reality is neither 'just' an idea in our head, 









nor something that independently exists .. 










.. & while it's possible to get lost in the world between these extremes, 









magick is the means of finding the Way through it ..
























"There are no definitive, dusty tomes come down to us from hoary antiquity that tell us this is How Magic Works. In all cases it is someone’s best guess, it is the personal workbook of a particular person at a particular time … the spirits and incantations that he or she found to be efficacious"






- Gordon White, The Chaos Protocols










"Things aren't always what they seem in this place; you can't take anything for granted" 





- from Labyrinth













 .. I think strange things happen in this world, 








& what we know of them is just a fraction, at that ..












.. programming the collective &con scious .. isn't that what magick reaLLy is ..? .. well then, let's cut to the chase, cuz there's not any time to waste ..











.. what words mean is how they're used .. in other words, there is a dialogical relationship between the world & the symbols we use to represent it .. it goes both ways: just as things in the world can affect what we see, our perspective can influence reality .. & if there's a key to understanding & using magick to its greatest effect, surely this is it ..












.. individuals & groups have used it to gain great power, wealth & success .. anyone can, really, if they Work at it .. indeed, none are better prepared & suited to do so than those magicians who have strengthened their will, mind, heart & body ..

.. but how is one to avoid becoming deceived by one's own symbols, trapped in among them, lost in a labyrinth of one's own making ..? .. if only there were a sure way to avoid this, surely it would be beyond price .. 











.. as it happens, there isn't .. success in one's Work is the only real gauge of how well they've managed the dialogue between symbols & reality to their benefit .. & there will always be things we can't do, just as there are things we can affect .. but there isn't a way to know the difference; other than to try, that is ..








.. where there's a discrepancy between outcomes in the world & one's esoteric Work, there lie the seeds of (potential) delusion, & it is this feedback from reality which the magician must attend to, interrogate & account for, in order to attain ..












.. & ultimately each must be their own judge, as to whether they've lost, or found, the Way ..























"There really is no way to sugarcoat this. We do live in a “last resort” world. A biosphere in crisis, a wealth gap not seen since the age of empires, levels of youth unemployment that have previously triggered revolutions, total surveillance and the erosion of civil liberties, robots competing for middle class jobs that were once safe for life, an unelected overclass rigging the game at our expense, a global economy built on criminal banking and continuous war.






Even if this is the apocalypse, that is no call to avoid making things interesting"



- Gordon White, The Chaos Protocols










Taylor Swift aside, everything is a psy-op, or sales. Something-or-other vying for your attention, time, effort, energy - and....,











.. it's only a psyop if they're good at their job. Besides having access to a megaphone, how do you think characters like Swift or the Beatles come to prominence and maintain their connection to people's hearts, minds, and pocketbooks? They have to be channelling, unconsciously or otherwise, from a set of shared feelings and experiences and expressing them back to the body politic eliciting a form of resonance between the "unit human" (hey man, you might not like it, but I didn't come up with the idea...), and a more encompassing, because shared, form that exists in a different kind of space.











Why do you listen to whatever music or watch whatever shows that you happen to do? Is there something conveyed by the artist you find in common with yourself? Are there feelings and thoughts that you want to amplify, or that cause a pleasant feeling when they happen to be amplified? Use your own judgement, but people seem drawn to support figureheads when there is some apparent commonality with themselves - wouldn't otherwise somehow be a form of self-destruction?











Yes, and those facts can be used in\for psyops to de- and re-program. You can do it yourself: force yourself to ingest media, thinking right now of that type of experiences that are usually considered "art", i.e. music and fiction, (let's leave the "news" alone), that you are averse to. At the least you will become desensitized, but you may also find your self "putting on" those sociœmotional hats. Looking back on my life I, at least, have seen that I had done so, not often without substantial delay. This program occurs primarily in youth - neuroplasticity and all that.














The internet existed long before its realization in-the-metal -, well, ok, maybe not a digital internet, but an analog one, but that's even unassuming the fact that our nervous systems acts as a smoothing function to discrete nervous impulses - something performs the transition, or lives between the discrete points of contact with some phenomenon.))













The internet, subcultures and the non-global culture:








The self-selection process in more recent times has been opened to a wider array of "possibilities" by the wandering, not salesman nowadays, but by the wandering consumer, ever searching for the next bit of stimulation in whatever form - looking for something anyways. Our eyes cover more terrain, in less time: new human generated "things" can be had almost as if they were "materialized", not just digital representations, but even physical goods if you live within an advanced transportation network: I'm a person and I can just click some buttons with the words representing whatever "random" content happens to be sloshing around in my brain and which would like further elucidation or illumination. 










PLOP: I'm watching CAT videos or listening to a POD CAST about the climate effects of METHANE from CoW FARTS << IGNORE::there is no secret code here, but, back to PSYOPS, that's what they would say, wouldn't they??










You already know it: you can find whatever shit you want to watch or listen to and that is in some sense a measure of your style, a part of who you are that has gathered about itself various accoutrements.










The major internet platforms that set the rules for how people interact with each other using digital devices determine much of what you see. They want to bank cash, so, generally, they don't really care about what it is that they are feeding you, just that you come back for more. Q.E.D. - one's own tastes or curiosities are reflected and sold back to you. So there's a bit of reverb going on here between yourself and your interests in the "human thought space: socio/econo/technic/art".











People associate with similitudes - You have sought out something inside yourself or something you think is missing (the curiosity) when you make a query into the internet, and you spend your Attention\time.











People are able to create











Seen, Scene, and Uns[c]e(e)]n[e]















 .. the master creates their own world .. 










.. beyond that, it's up to others to decide if they see themselves in it ..


























"As the old gambling saying has it, if you can’t spot the sucker at the table, you are the sucker"






- Gordon White, The Chaos Protocols














"Knowledge is stronger than belief"





- from The Book of Clarence

 .. there's a villain in every story ..

.. otherwise it isn't a story, is it ..








.. u gotta play to win ..

.. & if u don't play, that's okay; but u won't win ..


.. "as brothers fight ye", as Alick said, & what he meant is brothers, or sisters, fight to improve each other, not to see who ends up dead ..

.. but hate is not a religion ..

.. say it with me .. 













.. before there was a sun, there was a sea of stars ..

.. & before there was a coalesced, con gealed solid ego there were aggregates or skandhas, networks of magickal links not yet even in a circle; causes & effects of actual events in the world .. 

.. & we're all NPC's, in a sense, innocence; until we decide not to be ..













Hello, hello.









So currently we have communication networks using various forms of physical transmission of signal.











They use different wavelengths for achieving these goals and different media or mediums in which to convey the message from point A to point B.









We've been increasingly using shorter \ faster communication channels in terms of both data or information exchange as well as the movement of physical things that have mass and you know, you got to lift up and move around.











These communication networks can be considered in terms of information without a holding form - just the mental content decoded on reception. So, a question is, as these frequency rates have increased, data rates have increased, if there was not, in prior days, just as there is now, a set of the population [engineers] who know how to manage and manipulate these information channels, physical information channels - - - whether or not sometime in the past there had been, unknown to probably most ]time-frame?[ individuals.










But somehow a communication network using very slow rates of data exchange over long ranges, basically like radio, but even slower than a radio rate of exchange, and using perhaps the dolmens and megalithic monoliths of semi\prehistoric times. Now, the data, the messages would have to be probably parsed out a little bit differently; wouldn't be in spoken language - I'd suppose - and would have to be some more generalized wave front spreading over the globe.











Where the early technologists would be able to broadcast out whatever radio waves, electromagnetic frequencies, they required to reach some goal or purpose.











Because that's what happens now, right? You've got stepping back, maybe about a century or so you got the invention of radio, the spread of radio, radio sets in the average household receiving broadcasts from centralized locations, to inform them of world events, maybe true, maybe not. And then different stories and ways of people looking at people and how they're portrayed in media to this day, just people stories, I guess, human interest stories.











So you've got these centralized locations of influence, or at least content production, and going out into the wider population. And these all take place over the electromagnetic spectrum.  back further to my great grandfather out on a farm, and how eventually they had TV and radio, but at some point, they didn't have any TVs, radios, phones, or any of that they're just people exchanging letters, communicating in person at local churches, and other establishments, what have you.










Were there broadcast stations in existence, even then, because it seems like somehow for some reason, communication media do really need to have a tie in to those electromagnetic frequencies and electromagnetic realm of subtle energetic fluxes that are not easily at least perceivable by the human frame, in their relations between objects, which surely exists since well, electro magnetism, electricity, magnetism, all those things are easily demonstrated to be real to the average individual.









.. in any event,










maybe there's something with that thought that these structures are antennae, mostly definitely antenna, no way around it, just this question is what frequency range they operate on and the form of the field in which they exist. So yeah, some of the signals should still be there operating in the actual real f*cking physical field..




















“I, too, have been in the underworld, even as Odysseus, and I shall often be there again. Not sheep alone have I sacrificed that I might be able to converse with a few dead souls, but I have not spared my own blood .. With them I must come to terms when I have long wandered alone. I will let them agree and disagree with me, and listen to them when, in proving me right or wrong, they agree and disagree with one another. May the living forgive me that occasionally they appear to me as shades” 








― Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits













.. once, there was a wily, old trickster; a con artist in the shape of a god called Legba ..












..  encountering a sincere seeker on the path, Legba thought it would be amusing to help him find exactly what he sought, & thus cursed him, saying, "you will attain to the Way, oh yea, but only if you keep a record, to help those who might need some assistance .. to this end, may you henceforth be called shades" ..

.. at which the aforementioned, poor sap, thought as if in reply, "I wanted to be a Napoleon, an Oppenheimer, a Bernstein, a Ferrari even, but in the end I was merely (a) shades" ..

"For Tantric devotees of Shakti, just as for Nietzsche, the human condition is something to be overcome — it is a transitional state between the bestial and a form of life beyond the gods who no longer deserve to be set up as something above ourselves"

- Jason Reza Jorjani, Lovers of Sophia 












.. in The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes argues that back in the day, as it were, in ancient history, our ancestors experienced their own con sciousness, or perhaps reality itself, giving them orders or commands, which they could but obey ..










.. & while a scientist could well ask a lot of questions about such a thesis, for the occultist, there is a sense in which it contains a profound esoteric truth .. indeed, it's not difficult to see a parallel here with the idea of NPC's (non-player, or non-playable characters, in a game), 'actors' in a play that merely react, without initiating conscious action per se ..










.. moving along this trajectory, one might con clude that the will itself also evolves, from a merely reactive posture, to thinking through & initiating actions based on long term plans & schemes ..

.. looking at the world today, from this perspective of an evolving will, can go some way to explain why things might seem so "messy" .. William Gibson once said “the future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed“, and in a similar way, a free will to act in accordance with our higher ideals is also here, but not for everyone, equally ..

.. & so, we see that there are esoteric applications to con cepts such as that of the NPC, & a certain inner truth to that uncanny suspicion that some of these are NPC's ..

".. the sleeper has awakened .."

- Frank Herbert, Dune

.. you haven't thought it through ..

.. the end of fossil fuels, which even today we can see over the horizon even if we can't foresee exactly how far away it is, won't come about because of climate change, as difficult at it is for an avowed environmentalist such as myself to say that .. otherwise, it would have already happened by now ..












.. it will come about because we've learned better (because they're less abrasive, less destructive) ways of engaging with the very material, the "building blocks" of reality, from which we too are made ..

.. in other words, it will happen when we realize that we aren't NPC's, & that, in causing harm, we're actively harming ourselves .. & that there are better alternatives ..

.. if u don't give a shit, you're bulletproof; 








but don't take my word for it, unless of course u don't give a shit ..


fear nothing (save yourself)









" .. the secret of avoiding boredom is to have a strong sense of purpose"







- Colin Wilson, Beyond The Occult





.. immanentizing the eschaton is so yesterday ..

.. & everything's a transition between something & the next anyway ..

.. nowadaze 'm more interesting in holding off as long as possible;










an apocalyptic karezza, if u will  ..






















"Really, it is all just the Devil — including 'God'. The Devil in the sense that what is behind the Wizard of Oz’s curtain is not a benevolent deity or Divine Creator with a higher morality, interested in the salvation of the human soul or punishment of the wicked. The Wizard is a Trickster, as shamanic tribal cultures understood the Trickster. The 'God' of any and every 'revealed' religion is just one of his diabolical projections"

- Jason Reza Jorjani, Closer Encounters

.. if this is your "effective altruism", maybe what we need now is incompetent selfishness ..











.. or is that a double negative that ultimately reaches the same end from the opposite way .. ?

.. isn't someone who is selfish but in an incompetent way ultimately altruistic by mistake ..?

.. & yes, I'm trying to make a point here, & it is simply this: whether one seeks to be effectively altruistic or winds up being incompetently selfish instead really has nothing to do with other people in the end; what we're talking about are decisions one makes within oneself about how to relate to the world .. 










.. blaming the other for how one turned out might sell copy, but it doesn't absolve the acting agent in any way of their decisions & their con sequences ..










.. in effect, it isn't others that one should fear either in the first or the last analysis; but oneself, & more specifically whether one is prepared & willing to succeed or if they'll end up coming up short .. 










.. & that's that, in fact .. 


1. The problem with memory is: eventually you’ll have to remember your death.









2. Physical reality is the extension of the senses









3. When born we are ourselves the nameless one[s]









4. translation of ex-isting concepts into a machine logic








5. Trust in measures somehow based on the scale of or precision in the system in which they operate









6. the art of slowly walking










7. how much of communication is hypnosis?








8. Not everything is remembered in the same way









9. In making sense it makes no sense









10. Your shadow is always bigger than you are [in the sense that there is some radiation coming from every direction and according to the laws of optics a shadow increases in dimension, perhaps attenuated, as distance from the casting body increases]










11. The battle of civilization is the battle of fucking real life fucking architects
























you think just throwing in "Beff Jezos" would raise our search ranking?










A bit lols, but then megalomania has had a comeback of lately









I’m not surprised if this is some madison ave style marketing stunt that was carefully crafted / planned…     lol, i think the guy even says straight up that it is one 🤦‍♂️











it’ll be like the ultimate source for generating hypnotic links to the unconcious 🧐 the trick will be driving it if you can hook it into being "media of value" and people not caring or noticing it's machine source









just like the brain, all that data that humans have collected on themselves is a big pile of mush, and stuff goes floating around those electrical paths in datacenters, surfacing occasionally, in this case now in the form of [semi]structured queries with slapstitch responses: a pinch of salt and a pound of (picked) monkey brain \ psychic chunks.









Everything the AI models spit back is like finger painting with a pool of paint made of human records, kinda smeary, (w|h)azy like a dream. Word association games like the old psychologists played, but now with some golem pulled out the collective psychic substratum as it, itself, surfaced in the real reality where people did in fact create shit and write things down with fingers, chisels, and all that.









If the unconscious is a well of activity of which actual human action is the outlet, or an energetic peak in that flux, then those actual outputs have some signature on them of the submerged causes which produced the material activity. 










By glomming everything together, assuming there are shared threads in the unconscious energy, and then by discerning similarities "between" people, AI \ data science locate[s|d] something that exists in the space between humans. So when we ask a generative system we get back something that may be thought of as being that "thing" for "all" people.










What have been built are like machine ports into the collective, variously degreed hallucinative, mass (un)consciousness or at least a part replica. We [anyone] can get "hard" access to that web of relationships that only mediums had in the past ..

- been thinking a lot about infrastructure and the massive landsprawling machinery system that supports (human) life-as-we-know-it

how there are actual living people who operate the machine excresence(s) from out of humanity’s past that *are* the forms our individual living is forced to conform with

thinking of that live action super mario movie from the 80s or whenever a bit for some reason

- .. you're saying that the structure our modern life takes is a spaciotemporal cave that was dug out by our "ancestors", however one understands that term..? 







.. or maybe your thought had a different emphasis ..

- Yes, but not just metaphorical

- .. right; you're referring to the actual technical trajectory, the choices they made instead of other ones, the Edison over Tesla of it all ..

"we are all flames of the same undying cosmic fire. We are the glowing forge of futures past"

- Jason Reza Jorjani, Lovers of Sophia

.. & maybe if we re@LLy tried to be good to one another, 








we could be a family again, 








& not opponents through the machinations of the jealous ..